Favorite Five; Drew&Gracie

Hellllllo to the blog land.
In an attempt to update my blog with something, and at the same time not be buried alive under a pile of awesome fall family sessions that are just too good not to share,
I’m implementing a new feature called “Favorite Five”. Why five? Cause it sounded good with Favorite. And Five pictures seems less daunting to try to organize and post than say twenty five. And because this here is my blog, so we’re going to roll with it.

Favorite Five.

Me likey.

To kick things off I’m starting with the always adorable Drew&Gracie. Their parents wedding was my very first wedding. Needless to say, I’m pretty sentimental about these kiddos. And their parents. AND choosing five was HARD. But rules are rules. So here are my favorite five of Drew&Gracie.

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So I put in 7. I told you they were cute 😉

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